UniFi Controller


I was able to install UniFi Controller on a CentOS server without too much issues, using this page, and this page could also be helpful to you.

TechVideos created a video that describes access to the mongo database, for example for password recovery.

If you want to run the guest portal you might have to make sure to check the routes and open ports to the controller to load and work (port 8880 and 8843 TCP are needed to guest portal to load).

Some configuration you might want to think about:

  • guest network behaviour when controller is unreachable: link
  • unifi controller should not run as root: link


Update UniFi: <created a small script for this in /opt/UniFi>

  1. Download latest software:
    1. cd /home/,install/ubnt
    2. wget <download URL>
      The download URL you get by:
      1. get the version from the download page, or the notification screen
      2. Use the version number in the following download link: http://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/<Version>/UniFi.unix.zip
    3. Have the version number within the filename
      mv UniFi.unix.zip UniFi-<Version>.unix.zip
  2. Stop Service:
    1. service UniFi stop (or /opt/UniFi/UniFi-stop or systemctl stop UniFi.service)
  3. Extract UniFi Video software:
    1. cd /opt
      (The UniFi folder is within the zip file)
    2. unzip /home/,install/ubnt/UniFi-<Version>.unix.zip
  4. Start Service:
    1. service UniFi start (or /opt/UniFi/UniFi-start or systemctl start UniFi.service)


How to: Remote Adoption

Hmm, using the Unifi App it should be possible to easily adopt a device. However I've not been able to use that.

How to: Manually setting the controller address for a Unifi AP

  1. SSH to ubnt: (or whatever the IP address is.) 
    default password is ubnt, if it something else, I hope you wrote it down when you set it. :)
  2. You must reset the AP to defaults before changing the inform ip address. To do so execute the following command

    syswrapper.sh restore-default

    This will reboot the radio and disconnect your SSH session. Once it comes back online, you will need to reconnect.

  3. Connect to the mca client


    Now issue the set-inform command with the IP address of your Unifi controller.


    The AP should connect to the controller within a few seconds and you are set.

Adopting a UniFi device

Use a default site, as some credentials are being changed to a site, then you won't be able to adopt the device (see link)

CLI commands


List power options:

iwlist ath0 txpower |egrep Current |sed -e 's/^*//'
Set power option:
sed -i 's/^radio.1.txpower_mode=.*/radio.1.txpower_mode=custom/w /tmp/system.cfg' /tmp/system.cfg
sed -i 's/^radio.1.txpower=.*/radio.1.txpower=16/w /tmp/system.cfg' /tmp/system.cfg

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