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A: To be able to lookup the country when using a domain that does not contain any country information in it (like .com or .net) JoomlaStats does an fsockopen to the database on port 43 (WHOIS service).

Solution 1:
Make sure your system (the webserver JoomlaStats is configured on) can open an outgoing connection on port 43 to
Solution 2:
Disable the whois feature (JoomlaStats 'Configuration'->'Common' Tab). JoomlaStat works fine, however less visitors wil be related to their country.

It could be that the ip2country table never will be filled if you can't enable the whois feature (and will result in a message on the Info section). Although you won't be able to detect where some of the visitor are visiting from, this won't harm your data. A developer is currently investigating if we can provide a solution for resolving the visitors country for users that aren't able to use the whois feature (on systems having port 43 blocked).